::Meter Usage:: ::Inventory Usage:: ::Inventory Descriptions:: ::RP Object Descriptions::



Meter Usage Guide


Values like revive time , meter reset by player , healing by doctors are dependent on sim settings. The meter stores kill/death statistics in the database and shows them in the players sheet. Player are able to click other player and bind those while the meter shows DEFEATED In the meter info text. The maximum range of touch for binds =3.5 meter. By touching the worn bindings the player gains access to a menu which allows him to unbind leash or unleash the captive. Players which have enabled the doctor status can use the Heal items to remove the INJURED POISONED SICK states from a player. Meter supports a admin inteface for sim owners and admins. Meter rp and combat behavior. 1.Condition. While running or jumping the meter will decrease the condition value by 4 % with interval of 5 seconds . ( This value changes to 2% if meter runs in animal mode). While walking the meter will increase the condition value by 2% with interval of 5 seconds. while standing the meter will increase the condition value by 5% with interval of 5 seconds. 2.Health While condition is lower then 2% and player is running the meter will trigger 1% Health damage. While player is sitting on ground or a object the meter will increase the health value by 5% with interval of 5 seconds. While player is standing and health is higher then 10% the meter will increase the health value by 3% with interval of 5 seconds. While player is standing and health is lower then 10% the meter will increase the health value by 2% with interval of 5 seconds. While player is walking and health is lower then 10% the health value will not be changed. While being under water the meter will trigger 2% damage on health with interval of 5 seconds. On collision with objects or land (falling) and if avatars velocity is higher then 15 m/s. The meter will trigger damage on health with the value of avatars velocity/2. Any health damage is indicated in owner chat with the current health value , damage type and attackers name if damage was caused by another player. 3.Defeated/wounded state If received damage is higher then actual player health the meter will trigger the defeated state. Meter shows the remaining time of defeated and wounded state. In defeated state the player movement will be blocked by the meter and binding mode activated for the duration of defeated state. After the defeated state is over , the meter will switch to wounded state, allow player to move and deactivate binding options . While being in defeated or wounded state the meter is not able to receive damage. After the wounded state is over, the meter will return to running state with 20% health , 20% condition and enabled INJURED status with duration of 5 hours. 4.INJURED POISONED SICK states INJURED stste is active if player is recovered from wounded state or players health reches value lower then 10%. INJURED state lowers the maximum health value to 75%. INJURED state will remain active for the duration of (Default region seting) 5 hours. INJURED state can also be removed with assistance of a Doctor. POISONED state can be activated through interaction with serval RP items or NPCs. POISONED state disables the self healing of the meter. Takes 1 HP every meter tick as long as the health value is higher then 20%. POISONED state will remain active for the duration that was set by the item or NPC which has triggered this state. POISINED state can also be removed with assistance of a Doctor. SICK state can be activated through interaction with serval RP items or NPCs. SICK state lowers the maximum health value to 50%. Increases losing of condition while running to 20% per meter tick. SIXK state will remain active for the duration that was set by the item or NPC which has triggered this state. SICK state can also be removed with assistance of a Doctor. 5.Meter Commands /99sound,uuid,uuid,uuid Random custom hit sounds. Meter can store from 1 to 3 sounds. for 2 sounds use /99sound,uuid,uuid. /99name,Character Name Shows this value in the meter text. /99MELEE ON Turns the melee damage of the meter on. /99MELEE OFF Turns the melee damage of the meter off. /99MELEE Switches melee damage of the meter on and off. /99color,colorvector Changes the color of the meter text. ( Works only on sims with enabled color tags ). 6.HUD Symbols RED BAR Health indicator. GREEN BAR Condition indicator. AXE Melee on off. ENERGY SHIELD OOC RUNNING. COIN PAYCOINS. GEAR BUTTON Meter Settings. PAPER SCROLL PLayer Dashboard. 7.Functions in settings menu (Gear Symbol on HUD) OOC Out of Character. Meter is offline. Saves current meter status in DB. AFK Away From Keyboard. Meter is offline. Saves current meter status in DB. SOUNDS Female, male and animal hitsounds. ARENA/ROLEPLAY Meter Combat mode. ( ARENA have 30 sec revive time ) MELEE Turns melee damage of the meter on and off. FIGHTANIM Turns basic melee fist animations of the meter on and off. ADMIN Opens the admin dialog if player have admin rights on current region. SCR-CHECK Detects the amount of scripts and script time in all attachments the meter user is wearing and shows it in Owner chat giving some tips. TICKET(Optional)Allows player to send a support ticket to sim admins.

Functions in ADMIN menu.

REVIVE Rewives or heals a player to full health and condition. Removes INJURED state. PING Checks if players meter is running and posts it in owner channel.Do not work with 256 meter range. SCRIPTS Detects the amount of scripts and script time in all attachments the selected user is wearing , shows it in Owner Chat and gives some tips.Do not work with 256 meter range. SHOW-TAG Turns the admin TAG in the users meter status text on and off. DETACH Detaches selected players meter from avatar. MTR-RESET Resets all scripts in meter. (Fixing hanging scripts. Meter will be reseted to 10 health and 10 condition and create new ident number. FREEZE Blocks movement and damage dealing giving of selected players. UNFREEZE Removed FREEZE effect on selected players.